Information about the city

Information about the city

Shymkent is the third most populous and the first city in Kazakhstan by area, one of its largest industrial, commercial and cultural centers; it forms the second most populous agglomeration of the country.

Until June 19, 2018, it was the administrative center of the former South Kazakhstan (now Turkestan) region.



1170 sq. km.


Neighboring regions and countries:

  • The city of Shymkent borders on the Turkestan region.
  • The border with the Republic of Uzbekistan and the capital city of Tashkent are located 100 km from the city.


Climatic conditions

  • The average annual air temperature is +13.0 °C.=
  • Relative air humidity - 57%.
  • The average wind speed is 2.2 m/s.


Geographical data

Shymkent (until September 8, 1992, Shymkent; kaz. Shymkent is a city in the south of Kazakhstan, one of the three cities of the country that have the status of republican significance; it is a separate administrative-territorial unit (the 17th region of the republic), which is not part of the surrounding region.

About the Region

The city is included in the state program "Cultural Heritage" as one of the objects for the study and preservation of historical monuments. Work is underway here with the prospect of turning an ancient settlement in the center of a modern city into a historical and cultural park

The city has theaters, restaurants, a network of comfortable hotels, a technopark "World of Fantasy", a water park, where guests and tourists of the city will be received with special oriental hospitality. An interesting place in the city is the historical museum of ethnography, where there is an amazing art gallery, interesting are the zoo and arboretum, where unique species of plants growing in various zones are presented.

The cultural policy implemented in the city proceeds, first of all, from the established way of life of the population, the synthesis of original national cultures of the multi-ethnic society of Southern Kazakhstan. There are 19 cultural national centers in Shymkent: Kazakh, Slavic, Uzbek, Tatar-Bashkir, German, Jewish, Korean, Kurdish, Polish, Azerbaijani, etc.

Population 1 219 103

(november 2023)


GRP 106,3

(for the 1st half of 2023)


Inflation 9,5

(december 2023


Average monthly salary 266 852

(III quarter of 2023)


Gross inflow of direct investments


Trade turnover

*Excluding small businesses engaged in entrepreneurial activities.

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