Digital signature

Electronic digital signature (EDS) can be saved on the following storage facilities:

  • filesystem - choosing this medium, key and registration certificate will be stored on your personal computer in the form of files;
  • Kaztoken - choosing this medium, key and registration certificates will be stored on the external safeguard medium of key information, secure by PIN-code;
  • EDS on sim-card- choosing this medium, key and registration certificates will be stored on your sim-card. You may buy an appropriate sim-card at Beeline center and Government for Citizens State Corporation JSC (PSC) branches in Nur-Sultan, Almaty cities;
  • ID card - in order to save EDS on-chip of your ID card (for individuals), address the nearest branch of State corporation "Government for citizens" (PSC) and bring your ID card. For further work with EDS on ID card, it's necessary to buy a card reader. Read more details about it on this page.

Procedure of online application to issue EDS consists of 4 steps:

  • Examination of instruction and software installation
  • Online application
  • Confirmation of online application at State corporation "Government for citizens" JSC
  • Installation of registration certificates of National identification center of the RK.

Examination of instruction and software installation

In order to get a registration certificate you need to install a software:

Before online application to get EDS, examine a user instruction.


For obtaining an electronic digital signature, detailed information on the single portal Electronic Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Install the application:
1) Open the website in Safari
2) Click save
3) Add to home screen